A downloadable game for Windows

It is time for WORLD.

It has been months if not years since I released a video game, let alone worked on a game I felt proud of. I'm thankful for the chops from college but it can be soul crushing. It has kept me from enjoying the process of working on larger and more personal games. Maybe I just don't think I have an excuse to make anything imperfect now that I'm a trained professional.

I started to make WORLD three days ago and I am releasing it today. It is made with GameMaker 8.1, and I tried running it with Wine but it didn't work for me. So windows only, sorry. Next time I'll make something cross-platform. The important part is there will be a next time, because I am teaching myself to love the creative process again.

Hope you enjoy WORLD. I think it's pretty fun.


world.exe 2.3 MB
README.txt 934 bytes

Install instructions

On some Windows systems, world.exe will not run unless you unblock it. To do this, right-click -> Properties and in the General tab, there might be a Security line saying "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer." I think Windows does this because the engine I used is old. Checking "Unblock" and pressing OK should allow you to run world.exe!

If world.exe says you should install DirectPlay, try "Skip this installation" and only install DirectPlay if the game does not work. I ran it without DirectPlay and it was fine.

I am sorry that this game doesn't meet modern security standards. The engine (GameMaker 8.1) is absolutely old, and I totally understand if you decide not to give world.exe these permissions and end up not playing the game. My next game will work on all platforms, so look out for that. Thanks for your patience!

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